Well Thanksgiving was this week. I had the opportunity to attend an authentic Mexican Thanksgiving dinner. Which turns out is really similar to an American one.
We got a free turkey from Winco this week, so we also had a learning experience. None of the Elders in my house had ever cooked a turkey before, myself included. So we did some research, mainly consisting of emails to our moms, and we cooked a turkey.
This week, President gave us a talk to read from this last General Conference, entitled "The Role of the Book of Mormon in Conversion" by Elder Shayne M. Bowen of the Seventy. He shares an experience of his MTC teacher, who prior to becoming a member, studied the Bible with the sole purpose of bashing missionaries. But then two missionaries knocked on his door, bore a brief testimony of the Book of Mormon, and left. He then read the entire Book of Mormon in the next two days, and was later baptized. I encourage you to read this talk. The Book of Mormon is true! The Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church on the earth today!