I apologize for not writing an email last week. We received a fair amount of snow this week. Last week President Leishman mandated that we all stay in on P-Day, due to the amount of snow and ice on the road. On Friday and Saturday, we got 'record-breaking' snow. So we have done a fair bit of staying in this week, as well as a fair amount of shoveling driveways. Snow isn't a problem here, but the ice that is underneath is, so today was actually the first day since last Wednesday, that we were allowed to drive. There's the first white for the week!
This week we were also able to go to the Seattle Temple. On Wednesday, the weather was clear enough so the Silverdale, Port Angeles, and Bremerton stakes all loaded up on a bus and drove to Seattle. We had about half the mission there. It was super awesome! President and Sister Leishman were there and it was super great! There's the second white for the week.
So the third white this week didn't actually happen. We had an investigator on date to be baptized this last Saturday. However, due to some family emergencies, we had to postpone the baptism. So, ya'll just pray that we can baptize Alexia and that she and her family will be taken care of.
That's what I got this week!
Elder Tobler
Elder and Sister Pearson |