Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Thursday, October 25, 2018

CCM Semana 5

So I'm writing this on my phone. The power went out and there's only a tiny bit of Wi-Fi. There's been some crazy power outages this week. It's been exciting.

This week has pretty much just been focused on getting us ready to enter the field. We've had classes everyday about expectations and whatnot. It's been pretty fun. Pretty much I'm just super excited to be leaving. So that's neat.

I gave my first talk in Spanish this week. It was on families, and the importance of teaching about families. It was supposed to be 5 minutes long, no more, no less, they were very clear about that. So I prepared about a page in my study journal, thinking that it would take about 5 minutes to read through. I severely underestimated how fast I could actually speak Spanish. I blew through my prepared thoughts in about two minutes, and I still had three minutes to kill and it had to be in Spanish. So I just started going, not really knowing where I was going, but I was definitely going. I bore my testimony and closed, then went back to my seat, where Elder Atkinson informed me that I spoke for 7 minutes on the dot, whoops. But the next Elder's talk was about two and a half minutes, so it evened out. 

This Tuesday we had a devotional streamed from the Provo MTC with Elder Soares. It was really awesome. He told about his parents' conversion story, and how he still remembers it, despite only being five at the time. He read some excerpts from the journal of one of the Elders that taught his family. It made it more spiritual that it was almost 54 years ago to the day that these events took place. It was fantastic. He is a man called of God.

The CCM is awesome! I fly to the mission field next week! 

All's well here in Mexico City!

Elder Tobler 

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