Alma 26:12

"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Monday, December 3, 2018

Tender Mercies 12/3/2018

This week has been pretty fun.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
I don't have much to report on this week. We had interviews with President this past week. Where we have so many new Spanish missionaries, and where we're going to be getting two more Spanish elders this next transfer, he said that it's likely that we will stay the exact same. But he doesn't know where any of the new Spanish elders will go. All of the Spanish missionaries in the mission are in a foursome. He wants to get us all trained, and then send us to a zebra area. Where one comp is English and the other is Spanish. Apparently Elder Nash praised my Spanish in his interview so I may be moved to a zebra zone quicker than I feel comfortable. At that point its sink or swim. And sinking isn't an option. 

We had a zone meeting this past week where we set a goal to have 20 baptisms in December. Our mission goal is to have 100 baptisms on December. So our zone is trying to be 1/5 of the entire baptisms in the mission. We are also trying to stay super motivated as a zone, and we have a Facebook messenger chat. So everyday we have a companionship that is in charge of pumping everyone up. It's been going really awesome.

A tender mercy we had this week was that we set our goal to find 10 new people to teach this week. As of Sunday night, we had only found nine, and we had to report on our goal that night. We had no luck. We called our DL to report our numbers, being one short of our goal. Then we were trying to visit some potentials. We ended up visiting a potential. The only info we had on this potential, was that they were newlywed and their last contact was in 2014. We stopped by, and we found our tenth new person for the week. 

This week Elder Coons and I were knocking on doors and we knocked on the door of an obviously Hispanic guy. And we talked to him all in Spanish. And now he's one of our new investigators. So my Spanish is improving enough. 

A funny thing that happened this week actually happened at the door right after that one. We felt really confident in our Spanish after that point. So we knocked on the next trailer and another Latino man answered. Elder Coons started speaking in Spanish and was stuttering and struggling a little. The man stopped him, looked at us and said, "We can speak English if you want." In perfect English with no accent whatsoever. So we had a good chuckle about that.

The next trailer we were going to knock on was completely dark and neither of us felt real good about it. So we skipped it. We knocked on the next trailer, which happened to be a member. We talked for a bit. And she mentioned, don't knock on the trailer next door, the one we had just passed over. Apparently the lady that lives there likes to throw bricks at missionaries. It helps to pay attention to the promptings of the spirit!

That's all I got this week. Thanks so much!

Elder Tobler

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